Archive for the 'convention' Category

Flowering Night 2009 Info

Friday, December 26th, 2008

another news post, what next, episode blogging? anyway,

The official website for Flowering Night 2009 went up two days ago. If you’re not familiar with Flowering Night, it’s a big live show (real dudes playing real instruments dressed up in real skirts!!) of all Touhou arrangements. Tickets will be sold through Toranoana starting (and ending, :| )on 2/8, both through their website and in their brick and mortars, and tickets are 4000-6000jpy, depending on your spot. The event’s at the Makuhari Messe on 3/6. Bands currently listed as in attendance:

Kishida Kyoudan and the Meisei Rockets (if I go this is why)
CROW’SCLAW (also, this)
SOS -Sound of Swing-
COOL&CREATE (beat mario, my hero)

its gonna be wild. GET HYPE.

news snippets: Over 1350 Touhou Circles at C75, Mahou Shoujo Ai San May be the Year’s Summer Days

Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

I’m about to go to my last class for the next 3-4 weeks so I promise I’ll do reviews and other things that aren’t stupid nerd news some time soon, but until then:

Zepy had a good post about Comiket circles doing Touhou stuff over the years back in August, and the folks who made that have updated for this year: 1356 circles doing Touhou, up from 885. Good lord.

The other thing that came up last night that I was too busy watching Rosario + Vampire on tv to post about was that some folks on 2ch apparently got the new Mahou Shoujo Ai game a few days early (1, 2, 3), and well, if they’re telling the truth, the game didn’t really get a look-over before going gold, or something. As was pointed out to me by irc last night, this would normally not be a problem, since who the hell looks at anything but tentacles and the various parts that said tentacles interact with, but the problem is that in some scenes, the tentacles are missing. More than the tentacles, actually, it’s that some scenes are missing any art at all, and even the paper dolls might be missing in some scenes.

This is compounded by the fact that the game is a third of the size of the previous installments (500mb on a dvd?!) They’ve also caught some flack for apparently using CG from previous games on their website and on the game box as promo art for the new game. Of course, this could all be a very elaborate, awesome troll (one of “epic” proportions, as i hear the kids say these days), or maybe they got the Doom 3 devs to make this new installment, but otherwise… Matsuri da!!

Maikaze Takes ZUN’s Advice, Plasters Disclaimers Everywhere, Cancels Signed Scriptbooks at C75

Monday, December 15th, 2008

I was going to make a blog post on ZUN’s latest blog entry about restrictions on doujin products and all, but thankfully Sankaku Complex did a slightly alarmist writeup of it zepy actually did a good writeup of it, saving me some work. In fact, I probably don’t need to make this post either, but I really want to procrastinate on this paper for as long as humanly possible.

Anyway, Maikaze now has a new URL, and you may notice that the website has so many disclaimers on it that I’m tempted to say that it’s a bit of a jab at ZUN. I mean, right under the TOUHOU DERIVATIVE DOUJIN ANIME there’s the big bubble that when you click on it says “THIS WORK IS A DERIVATIVE DOUJIN ANIMATION OF TEAM SHANGHAI ALICE’S TOUHOU PROJECT SERIES” and then a big UNOFFICIAL on the right side of the top banner. Well, I guess being thorough never killed anyone. There’s also a news post that stresses several more times that they are not official, just in case you didn’t get the point.

I’m not sure if this is related or not, but the signed copies of the script books that were originally going to be given out at C75 will also not be distributed out of “consideration of their situation at Comiket”, which I guess could mean “to keep people from getting trampled to death/hypothermia from camping out for a week in advance.”

No Zun at C75

Sunday, December 7th, 2008

Maybe I’m the last person to know this or something, but from the looks of it, Zun will not be showing up at C75. This means that all the other Touhou-related lines will be even longer. :ARGH:

Source: Comiket catalog, this dude who i found on google

Mark your calendars, C75-goers!

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

Looks like this year’s Winter Comiket paper catalogue is coming out on Dec 6, and the CD-ROM version coming out as usual a week later on the 13th. Toranoana has already announced their purchase bonuses, which don’t require that you preorder to get but are limited in quantity. Actually, they say this, but last time I was at Nippombashi I saw them selling limited edition c69 umbrellas for like 200 yen a piece. Anyway, Tora’s extra this time around is a B5-sized clutch bag with Hashimoto Takashi art for the paper catalogue, Eretto art for the cd catalogue (NYORO~N), or this dude who I’ve never heard of if you’re a girl. Messe Sanoh has announced their bonuses as well, and they’re doing an original Nanao Naru paper bag + postcard set for the paper catalogue for the galgers out there (click the outline of a bag for a better sample picture) and a Takanae Keirei set for all you, um, Ninomiya-kun fans out there. There’s no bonus at all other than 2400 yen of saved but dirty money if you get the catalogue via fileshare, so get buyin’!

(via Katoyuu)

Super-belated event report: Comitia 85

Monday, October 27th, 2008

Or as one of the circle cuts put it, “doesn’t it feel like we were just here?” 85. Comitia opened its doors this time around just one week after C74, on the upper level of Big Sight, so basically it was just a big ol’ PTSD-inducing funfest for me. I decided I’d only get there an hour early and brave out the line, and pick out whatever circles I wanted to hit up on the trip to the event. Actually, I had already decided on one circle to visit. In fact, the main reason I was making the trek out to Odaiba yet again was primarily to pick up huke’s Black Rock Shooter Visual Works, which apparently sold out in a matter of minutes at c74.

Some people (especially those who have read about the event elsewhere) may realize that this is a really rotten reason to go to Comitia, since the point of the event is that it’s all original (as opposed to parody/derivative) comics, and you’d have a very tough time convincing me that the girl in the BRS video is not Hatsune Miku. Anyway, I got to Big Sight a little less than an hour before doors and was greeted by big signs for… the JAPAN HAM FAIR 2008. I was actually more excited at the prospect of an all-you-can-ham lunch than buying some comic books, but quickly realized that the event was not about the delicious kind of ham, but rather about the “60 year old nerds fiddling with radios walking around aimlessly” kind of ham. This was a fairly disappointing turn of events, but I did not let that deter me.

I got up to the top floor where all the folks with dollies of boxes of comics were going, and suddenly realized that the line that I had planned on sitting in didn’t actually exist in any form beyond “a small handful of folks playing ds on the benches outside the halls.” Turns out that the trend of original works tending towards higher quality but lower sales continues in this case as well! A modest line formed without me noticing, a whopping 100 people or so, and I made my way in and realized that there were already multiple thousand people inside buying things. (circle tickets!! :argh:) Compared to basically any other doujin event I have been to, the feeling of the place was incredibly laid-back. No shoving, no running, no screams of pain. I spent a good hour or so just browsing, especially around the area that huke was located, since that was more illustration gallery-style doujins, since I don’t trust doujin narratives.

comitia haul

Ended up with a very modest haul, especially since I skipped out on Range Murata’s offerings. BRS Visual Works is every bit as excellent as I hoped it would be, and moe zombie/amputee gag manga is always an added bonus. Interestingly enough, Pop Japan Travel had a presence there in the form of an industry booth, and I believe they had also unleashed one of their very well-mannered tours onto the convention. I have to say that they are definitely doing the smart thing taking a tour to Comitia over Comiket, since doing otherwise would seem akin to dropping a group of tourists interested in Korea into Pyongyang. I tried to make small talk to them while frantically looking for the best oel manga but unfortunately I did not see it for sale at the table.

All in all, Comitia was a very enjoyable event, and I’m definitely going back if I’m in the area, though I can’t say I’ll be making any comiket-style pilgrimages there. It’s probably also a great event to show to friends what a doujin convention is like, since that way they won’t think that you’re insane.

Short AWA Con Report

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Anime Weekend Atlanta is pretty much the best con around, you should go to it. But if you stay more than a few minutes away you’ll probably oversleep and miss the Eva panel, so watch out for that.

On Friday I saw Patrick’s Japanese Schoolgirl Inferno panel; after the fire alarm triggered by the Japanese schoolgirls had been fixed, he explained what a takenokozoku was and how to be a gothloli (buy his book). Afterwards I went to with some guys and some other guys (and also the specter of these people hanging over us) to Abdullah the Butcher’s House of Ribs and Chinese food, which is not a joke and has good ribs. I forgot to introduce myself, but I was wearing my most powerful shirt. Afterwards, the con illuminati introduced everyone to the wonders of Crystal Triangle and that one episode of TV Champion 2 whose torrent I forgot to seed.

Afterwards I got sick and accidentally missed every other panel I wanted to go to, but at any other convention I wouldn’t even have a chance to miss a panel about Message from Space. And that’s what it’s all about.

(also I bought a marisa x youmu vs nitori doujin, and all the tsukihime manga after it turned out to be sort of good/interestingly flawed, although drmaster is the worst publisher)