Archive for February, 2009

Weekly Linkdumping

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

in whatever order my firefox tabs are in! also pwi so forgive any spelling mistakes

A bunch of Japan bloggers also started writing about Comic LO, but I guess I won’t talk about that much here since I don’t want to get arrested or anything. Actually, at the very least, I’ll mention that they apparently managed to cut down P2P piracy by Appealing to the good nature of its buyers, asking them kindly in the afterword to cut it out. Treating your customers like normal people, what a bizarre way to do business. (Perhaps they should change their slogan to Yes! Lolita No! Download ww) Also, I’ll probably make a post in the near future about at least a few of the many things I’ve been buying and not reading in the past few weeks, once I get some of this homework out of the way. Spoilers: Gelatin wasn’t as good as I had hoped :(

A worthless link post

Friday, February 6th, 2009

Saw these this week and thought they were interesting:

  • Pulp’s guide to Manga Hell, some of which you might be familiar with if you listened to AWO enough. Also proves that Jason Thompson has read so many manga he’s incapable of writing in anything other than list form, like me.
  • Japanese video blogger Akibatsuu interviews ZUN, who is drunk, and famed Touhou doujin artist Randou, who is a white guy(!!!). It’s kind of surprising since a lot of people seem to think ZUN is a racist for some reason, even before that one other blog was popular.
  • Billionaires, a boy’s-love-style biography of the founders of Microsoft, Apple, and Oracle, and how Gates-chan is so moe~
  • Yoshii-san is apparently a character in Battlefield: Bad Company.
  • Takarazuka Revue Phoenix Wright rehearsal

The Real Reason to Go to Japan Media Arts Festival: It’s Art, So It’s Not Embarrassing

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Japan Meda Arts Festival has opened up their yearly exhibition at the National Art Center in Tokyo, and while I’m sure some lesser people will go to see the installations of the works that actually won awards, there is now a reason for the devout to go:

2ch reports that they’re screening Strike Witches twice a day. You know why? Cause it owns.

Weekly Reminder

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

While I’m at it:

Only 15 days left to order the Abunai Sisters dvd. Order now, you could be the 216th person to spend what is quickly looking like 34,000 yen on a dvd and an invitation to an ABUNAI private party! Only 234 spots left at the party! This is the best of Sexy comedy. Let’s gather the power of Kano-sister’s fans, and realize our dream. The best team has gathered for the production of this Kano-sister’s DVD.

Actually, I’m pretty shocked that almost 100 people decided to drop the ridiculous amount of cash in just 5 days with the deadline looming. At this rate, they might break even?!?!

Melonbooks Point Card Changes

Thursday, February 5th, 2009

Very minor news since I have a bit of spare time: As of this Monday, doujin chain Melonbooks has changed from their old and busted paper + stamp point card to a much fancier solid plastic card with barcode. Instead of 500y/point, 20 points for 500y off, it’s 500y/25 points, 1000 points for 1000y off. If you can’t crunch those numbers in your head, that just means the numbers got bigger now that they don’t have to stamp each point manually. Honestly, I’m normally not much of a Melonbooks kind of guy, but it’s really the only choice for new doujin goods I have here in Kyoto. Also, this post would be totally non-notable, but I heard reports from one guy that they kind of sprung this on him, and that they didn’t transfer his old points to his new card, so if you’re going and you aren’t super proactive about getting Japanese store clerks to actually speak to you instead of mumbling under their breath because they don’t think you speak The Language, have your old point cards and some form of ID with your age on it ready. (apparently, the new cards are also used to check if you’re of age, not that they ever actually do that in Japan for anything. except for taspo :argh:) You also get 25 points if you register by 3/31, and you get 50 points whenever your birthday rolls around. You have until 1/31 of next year to transfer points at a store, and after that you have until 1/31 of 2011 to contact support and transfer points that way.

Minor other notes that will probably affect exactly no one reading this blog: if you have online points and want to get a point transfer certificate, you have until the end of the month to order them. Starting 4/1, you’ll be able to transfer online points to the new card system. Also, handing over your personal information is optional, but all they seem to jot down is your birthday for age checking+point bonus, it’s not like they’re making photocopies of your gaijin card or something.

Tonari no 801-Chan Spinoff Announced

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Tamagomagogohan (say that five times fast) is reporting that the newest issue of Best Friend has a notice that a spinoff to Tonari no 801-chan about her younger sister, Tonari no Hana-chan (Kari) (“(Kari)” is inside the quotation marks for the title, so I assume that it means “Alias/Assumed name”, not “this title is provisional”), is in the works! Script by Furukawa Kou (Freedom Footmark Days), and art by Minakata Sunao. Maybe if we buy enough copies then an anime of it will get cancelled!

Stupid Anime Titles: Part II

Tuesday, February 3rd, 2009

Star of David, aka Violence Gekiga David no Hoshi, Beautiful Girl Hunter

Tetsuya was the product of his mother being raped by a burglar, and after years of abuse form his mother’s husband he becomes a serial killer/rapist.

Did they think it wasn’t good enough without offending a random group of foreigners?
And I guess this is the third entry in the series of Violence Jack and Violence Hero Riki-Oh.

edit: This is terrible but somehow really entertaining if you fast-forward through all the boring parts. Since they talked about both LSD and マスコミ I guess it’s the most realistic anime I’ve seen in years, even though he owns a house with a spiral slide that goes into the ocean, which he uses to kill people with.

Fate/Zero Tribute Arts Gallery Event Opens in Toranoana Honten

Sunday, February 1st, 2009

More info for people who can make it to Akiba this week: Toranoana Honten is running a Fate/Zero Tribute Arts gallery exhibit until the 8th up on the event space floor (6f), and they’re even selling some event-limited swag there, like the limited edition Rough Material book that was only sold at C75 that I waited in line for two hours for. Assholes. The first round of illustrations is up until the third, then the second round up until the eighth. Wish I could make it :(

AkibaOS has pictures.