thanks, internet. thinternet. 3/13/07.
Wow, it took me 13 days to do this again. Considering all I’m doing is reading Japanese blogs and re-posting their links here just like every other news update on American blogs, you’d think that I’d have more material to work with. I totally blame the American internet for posting things about that Geass/Kishimen crossover MAD 12 hours after I link it on IRC, thereby taking away any novelty that would come with it. Anyway, here are some silly links, because anything that is actually important is already covered on ANN or animenewsservice or blogs like that:
- So yeah, what would a “news” update by me be without sensory overload-style flashes that do things like combine IOSYS videos with even better videos? Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without gilcrows. Maybe make real updates. Keeping with the IOSYS theme, here is more nerdgasm fodder.
- As far as news concerning actual shows from next season that look interesting, Terra E… has a new trailer up on its site. The first OP and ED have also been announced, the OP by J-poprockers UVERWorld and the ED by Katou Milia, who only really sounds good when collaborating with m-flo.
- Finally, Akibablog has a nice article up on the release of the first volume of mii-tan, which looks to be about otaku culture and depravity, probably more on the NHK side of things than the Genshiken side of things. What makes it different from all the other series that have this same hook, you ask? (such as series in this wonderful linked article that lists a lot of series that ought to be scanslated or licensed) Well, this one is drawn by a doujin author who draws things like naked Tifa with huge tits! er, which means that he’ll have an even more insightful view on the bizzare rituals of otaku such as doujin events and ogling street maids in Akiba. Or something.
- Oh, and one more youtube video before I finish this review – Remember that Haruhi parody that the god-like Sikamako made 9ish months ago? Well it’s back! In 8-bit music backing form!
I also found out a few hours ago that my last rightstuf shipment came in. This is probably where I once again make empty promises concerning actually writing reviews and such of things that I got, so:
Hopefully some of it will inspire me to write a review! See you guys next time!