Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai ep. 1
…is a really long name, so let’s just call it Munto TV. This is the first time in a while KyoAni has produced more than one thing at once, and although there’s a severe quality drop from everything else it might be alright if the plot isn’t too stupid.
A poorly defined moe schoolgirl has daydreams where she’s in another world, where a bunch of shirtless elves live in the sky. One of them, Munto, talks to her saying she’s the only hope for the – you know where this is going. The girl, Yumemi, looks like she belongs in Someday’s Dreamers or some other recent boring show; Munto himself has a heroic cape, stands on towers for no reason, and altogether looks like a shounen hero version of Magus. The girl does ordinary boring show stuff, while all the shirtless elves ride personal flying machines (like the ones in Fantastic Children) and have psychic laser fights (complete with an attack that sweeps out the entire sky and has delayed pink explosions). As you can see, one half of the show is kind of better than the other.
Whoever wrote it is pretty clearly not as good as they think they are. The high school girl characters have above average names – the girl is Yumemi, and her friends are Suzume, Ichiko, and Kazeya – and early on they manage to stick the show’s name into someone monologuing, but the episode ends with a few minutes of old elves talking about nothing really interesting.
Also the first half of the show (including the OP) looks like this and the second half (including the ED) looks like this.
<> soramiage switches randomly between dimensions, one of which is someday’s dreamers and the other of which is a 90s psychic elf fantasy with 1/10 of gurren-lagann-level fighting scenes
<> i guess if it goes somewhere it’ll be ok but its strangely not good for kyoani
<> also the first half of the episode has no shading and then the second looks like a cheap clannad
< &garamir> I tried to watch the raw but gave up a few minutes in when a girl saw the world being crushed by a thing and then there were more things
UPDATE: Apparently the first two episodes were just clip shows of the OVAs, which explains why it looked like good direction filtered through really bad direction.
Also why is this post so popular when it’s so bad???